Size doesn’t matter …
Yeah, I knew that headline would grab you! Take your mind out of the gutter and follow me. This week, two of my friends who are “starting life” as we say – purchased beds. Nothing special about that you may think, I mean, billions of people have beds right? However, let’s dig a little deeper.
What struck me about these young men and their beds was the fact that they were ready to celebrate the small victory of moving from a mattress on the floor to a bed. That might not sound like a big deal, but I was struck by how happy they were. I think that sometimes in life we get caught up with the size of our victories as opposed to the victory itself. The same translates to blessings as well. We get caught with the size of the blessing, rather than the blessing itself.
When was the last time you thought, for example, about how your body functions? When was the last time you paused to listen to yourself breathe, to listen as you inhaled and exhaled. When was the last time you felt your pulse? Most of us can’t remember, because these blessings we take for granted, yet without them we cease to exist.
I truly believe that everyday above the ground is a blessing and that each day is a new reason for us to be grateful. Everyday is a step in the journey of life and regardless of whether it’s a good day or a bad day, the fact that we are here is a blessing.
As you make you way through life today, find 3 things that you are thankful for and make a mental note of them and offer up a silent prayer of gratitude. Do this daily for a week I guarantee you that you’ll experience a shift in perspective. No matter how big or small, we can find blessings all around us on a daily basis. Size doesn’t matter, count it all joy.
Keep winning.
August 22, 2018 7:54 pmGood read.
Celebrate the simply blessing